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Planning Board Minutes 06/21/2012
June 21, 2012
Lot Line Adjustment & Annexation – Case #2012-02PB

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)      
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)          Charles Levesque (Member)       Steve MacDonald (Member)    Martha Pinello (Member)      Sarah VanderWende (Member)   Janet McEwen    

Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)

Public Attendees:          Paul Whittemore      Helen Whittemore                Thomas Lynch
Gayle Burchard, LLS        Dan Valley           Scott Kurz

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Thomas F. & Mary L. Lynch and Daniel B. & Susan J. Valley for a Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on Brimstone Corner Road (Tax Map 240, Lots 14 and 15), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural Conservation District.

Chair Dubois opened the meeting at 7:05PM and introductions were made. The procedure for the Public Hearing was described.

Chair Dubois began with the Checklist (for Minor Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment, or Annexation – 56 criteria/items to be satisfied or waived. The Checklist had been reviewed by Consultant Planner, Carol Ogilvie and her reports as well as the surveyor’s waiver list were referred to during the Planning Board’s review. Both are attachments to the minutes.)

Checklist Items are satisfied, unless noted below.

Item # 15  - Location of existing buildings and driveways – Addressed by Ms. Burchard in bullet #2 of waiver request sheet and by Ms. Ogilvie in #1 of her report. It was determined that the proposed lot line adjustment would not affect the status of the buildings.  Note #7 on the plat states that the adjustment would not make this lot any more nonconforming than it currently is.

Motion to accept waiver made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. MacDonald. Unanimous to accept the waiver.

Item#16 – location of wetlands – Request to waive as the “wetlands are on the westerly side of the lot that is being added to Lot 14 and not near the existing buildings” – Gayle Buchard GB)

Motion to accept waiver made by: Mr. Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Mr. Levesque. The vote was unanimous to accept the waiver.

Item #17 – Location of water bodies, streams rock ledges, etc. – Waiver request –“as these features do not impact the lot”. (GB)

Motion to accept waiver made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. MacDonald. The vote was unanimous to accept the waiver.

Item #18 – Location of all easements on record – Ms. Buchard did not address this item. The Board referred to Ms. Ogilvie’s report which had found one right of way, which is Mr. Lynch’s current access to his lot (driveway).

Ms. Buchard admitted that she had not found the monument marking the corner of the lot on Brimstone Corner Road.

Mr. Levesque stated that it should be noted that the monument is not there.

Ms. Pinello stated that the monument should be noted as not found. She referred to the location of the monument on the 1995 map.

Ms. Burchard stated that she would put the monument in, if necessary. It would be “no big whoop”.

Condition #1 – The Board determined that the monument (drill hole) shall be set.

Item #23 – Existing grades, drainage systems and topographical contours … This item was not addressed by Ms. Burchard. The Board referred to Ms. Ogilvie’s report which stated that “this application is not proposing new lots and it would seem reasonable to waive the requirement”.

Motion to accept waiver made by: Mr. Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Mr. Levesque. The vote was unanimous to accept the waiver.

Item #28 all bound are set – Not addressed by the applicant. Mr. Levesque asked if all monuments were set with iron pins and drill holes.

Other than the above monument, all were in place.

Item #30 – Data set forth on this plan is based upon an actual field survey of the premises shown Waiver request by Ms. Burchard:   “The boundary shown on hereon is based on two existing surveys that are recorded and only the road frontage and the new adjusted line were surveyed by this surveyor.”

Motion to accept waiver made by: Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Mr. Levesque. The vote was unanimous to accept the waiver.

Condition # 2 – The final mylar should note the book and page of the Girl Scout property

Item #33 Soil delineation Waiver Request by Ms. Burchard “Boundary lot adjustment, no new lots are being created and therefore the soil delineation is not necessary.”

Motion to accept waiver made by:  Mr. Lazar; seconded by Mr. Levesque. The vote was unanimous to accept the waiver.

Item #39 – Deed restrictions or protective covenants Ms. Burchard had checked as N/A. The Board discussed several deeds and agreed that all deeds have been viewed. Ms. Ogilvie had done a cursory search. The box was changed to satisfied.

Public Hearing:

Chair Dubois opened the Public Hearing
He asked if any abutters were in favor of the proposal.

Mr. Whittemore stated that he was in favor of the proposal but wanted to talk to the Board about “Private Road #70 – Owner Unknown” which abuts the proposed lot of Mr. Valley.

Chair Dubois stated that the private road was not part of the proposal. A lengthy discussion of the road occurred anyway.

Chair Dubois asked if any were in opposition to the proposal. There were none.

The Public Hearing was closed


Motion made by: Mr. MacDonald; seconded by: Mr. Levesque

To move to approve the application of Thomas F. & Mary L. Lynch and  Daniel B. & Susan J. Valley for a Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on Brimstone Corner Road (Tax Map 240, Lots 14 and 15), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural Conservation District.

The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated June 21, 2012 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
Subject to payment of LCHIP $25.00 fee at time of approval.
Drill hole and monument to be set at the corner boundary of Brimstone Corner Road and Map 240-015
The recorded book and page of the Girl Scout property (Map 240 Lot 12) shall be noted on the final mylar.


Motion to Approve                                  Date: June 21, 2012

David Dubois
Mike Genest
Jesse Lazar
Charles Levesque
Steve MacDonald
Janet McEwen
Martha Pinello
Sarah VanderWende

A Notice of Decision will be written and Ms. Burchard stated that she would have the mylar with amendments to the Town Hall by June 27, 2012.

Business Meeting:

June 7, 2012 Minutes to be approved Mr. Levesque moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Lazar seconded. Mr. Levesque suggested that the substantive amendments should be listed in all future minutes. The Board agreed by consensus. The minutes were approved as amended.

Knapton Circle update – Letter was sent to Mr. Glover. There has been no response.

SEC update –

Mr. MacDonald asked why one Board member (Ms. Pinello) had assented for the entire Board, and that the assent should have come from the entire Planning Board.

Chair Dubois disagreed. The Board had voted to give Ms. Pinello and Mr. Levesque authority to make decisions as representatives for the Planning Board.

Mr. MacDonald said that he had not understood it that way; he did not feel that he had handed over complete authority to the Planning Board representative; he admitted that he should read the original motion again.

Mr. Levesque stated that the next step was the technical session on June 27, 28, and 29. He said that he felt the key role of the Planning Board was informational. He and Ms. Pinello would make sure that SEC was given the appropriate information from the Antrim Master Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations.

Ms. McEwen questioned the impartiality of some of the Planning Board Members, because of their recent challenge to the board of Selectmen.

Ms. Pinello said it was not a Board Matter, and Mr. Levesque agreed with her.

Federal Energy regulatory commission (FERC) – comments on Preliminary Licensing Proposal for the Monadnock Hydroelectric Project filed on March 5, 2012. The TOA receives this information because it is an abutting town.  FYI for the Board

AT 9:15, Mr. Levesque moved to adjourn. It was seconded by Mr. Lazar. Unanimous to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board